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Presented by Centennial Plaza
South Mississippi Soccer Club is pleased to host the 2024 Deep South Challenge in Gulfport, MS taking place September 6,7 & 8. The event provides a tremendous early season challenge for teams as they begin their Fall seasons.
This event is for Select (Premier) and D2 level teams with Gold, Silver & Bronze Divisions for U9-U12. Gold & Silver divisions will be offered for U13-19 for both Boys and Girls.
Join us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for a great weekend!
Visit the TeqBall Center at County Farm ... music and six tables are available on a first come, first served basis. A great way to test your skills and enjoy yourself between or after games!
We will have outstanding vending available on site through Creole Soul, a variety of food truck choices and our friends at Papa John's. Or order your pizza online using promo code SMSC and get 30% off your pizza at
SIMAX will be on site as the official merchandiser of the 2024 Deep South Challenge while Harbor Photography can assist in getting a professionally taken team photo.
Come join us on the Gulf Coast as we kick off the 2024-25 season!
Our Housing Partner:
Deep South Challenge IS NOT stay to play. However, we partner with great local options to provide you a different level kind of stay when you visit us on the Gulf Coast! Check out our housing partners at Centennial Plaza and Margaritaville.
Centennial Plaza / Margaritaville Contact Info:
(228) 206-7880 | RESERVATIONS
(228) 206-3386 | OASIS RESORT
(228) 206-3387 | OASIS GRILL
Margaritaville - Book online or over the phone using TEL: 228-271-6377
Register Your Team
U9/U10 $450
U11/U12 $550
U13/U14 $650
U15-U19 $695
SMSC does not charge parking fees at any of the venues.
Tournament Director
John Charman
County Farm Soccer Complex
15000 County Farm Rd
Gulfport, MS 39503
Gulfport Sportsplex
17200 16th St
Field maps available County Farm Soccer Complex ; Gulfport Sportsplex
Register Team