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College Showcases 101

College showcases are THE BEST opportunity to get a college coach to see you play...PERIOD. College coaches are so busy and have hundreds if not thousands of athletes interested in joining their team each year. They can't possibly go to 1,000 different games all across the country; there's just not enough time (and not nearly enough in their recruiting budgets). ENTER THE COLLEGE SHOWCASE...

A showcase brings together college coaches with top talent high school athletes that are interested in playing in college. It gives them an opportunity to see hundreds of athletes in one place on one weekend. The Challenge for college coaches is which of these top athletes to focus on. A showcase consists of many games played on different fields, possibly different venues, with many being at the same time. Even if they wanted to watch them all, its just not possible. How do they figure out which games to watch? ENTER SPORTS IN COLLEGE...

Sports In College is on a mission to connect as any high school aged athletes with College Coaches as possible. Attending a college showcase is a huge step, however, simply registering for a showcase and showing up is NOT ENOUGH. The single most important thing you need to do is check out the colleges attending the showcase, and contact the coaches of the programs you have interest in. There will be hundreds to thousands of athletes at the showcase and if a college coach doesn't know you're interested in their program, the odds of a coach finding you is miniscule.

College Bound Athletes

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