This database was used for Spring 2024.
A new database has been defined for Fall 2024 and the URL to
get to it is as follows:
SINC Sports Database for our Fall 2024 Season:
This Sterling Soccer Spring 2024 League event page is where
you will see games for the Spring 2024 season when they are
eventualy posted. I will update this page once games are posted.
Dave Taylor
Important Spring 2024 Season Dates
REFIT Mtg Details for Spring 2023
Topic: REFIT Training Night
Time: Mar 9, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 8442 9948
Passcode: 179683
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Meeting ID: 895 8442 9948
Passcode: 179683
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcH7zHdzfE
***Spring 2021 Season Updates***
Update: Wed Apr 14, 4pm
SINC Sports has been updated with ALL referee assignments for Sat Apr 17.
Games for the weekends following are not yet loaded, but all games at
both River Bend Middle School (U6-U8 REFITS and U9/U10 Certified)
and Hencken (U11 and up) are loaded and self assignable as of this time.
I have also lifted limits for this weekend due to the late availability to self
assign and the many games we have. You can take up to 4 games if your
schedule permits.
Update: Thu Apr 8, 7pm
SINC Sports has been updated with referee assignments for Sat Apr 10 only
based on availabiity emails I received.
Please Accept or Decline your assignments as soon as possible.
Update: Tue Apr 6
Awaiting schedules to come out, but when they do, I will pre-assign games for U6/7/8 REFITS and U9/10 Certified
referees who have responded to my request for availability for Sat Apr 10 games. I hope to publish these schedules
no later than Wednesday evening Apr 7. Any remaining games may be self-assigned.
The season for U11 and up will start on Sat Apr 17
Update: Wed Mar 24
Our Spring season referee kickoff was a success and took place on Monday Mar 22 as a vitual Google
Meet! Thanks to all who attended!!
Here are the highlights of what was discussed if you missed it:
- We welcomed 7 new REFITs to the team: Zoe Flatla, Bella Deaso, London Meyer, Donovan Sjoberg, Zayd Qidwai, Roqiya Roane, Emma Wheeler
- A new COVID Waiver has to be signed by all referees prior to their first game this season. It can be found here:
- https://sterlingsoccerclub.sportngin.com/register/form/139984207
- COVID Protocols for referees are the same as Fall 2020, so please review the documents associated with the COVID Waiver to be sure you know proper protocols for mask wearing and social distancing
- Social Distancing Lines will be painted on the fields so keep spectators and players behind the distancing lines
- Players/Coaches will generally be on one side of the field and spectators on the other to assist in social distancing
- U6 to U10 game fields have moved to River Bend Middle School for this season
- if you need a velco patch backing, email Dave Taylor at [email protected] and I will mail one out to you
- The first weekend of games are Saturday April 10 thru Sat June 8 (no games Memorial Day weekend)
- The SINC Sports signup process is the same, 2 games for REFITs, 2-3 for Certified to start
- Self Assign yourselves to game 'sets' (adjacent games, and don't skip the first one) and talk to Dave Taylor if you need advice on which level of games to self assign
- New REFITS and New Certified Referees need to send a single page Federal W9 form to [email protected]
- The presentation used will be posted to the website under the Referee / Resources tab
- U6-U8 REFIT rules have not changed, but the location has, so know where River Bend Middle School is located
- U9-U10 will again use Build Out Lines. Please see our website for info on managing a game using Build Out Lines
- U11+ will participate in the Crossover Leage (a reduced number of clubs) not the SFL
- There may be a Memorial Day tournament for the Crossover League teams at U11+ but this is not yet confirmed
--Thursday Mar 17 Update--
Spring season Referee Kickoff Mtg moved to Monday, March 22 at 7:30
at the same google meeting id below:
ALL Referees are encouraged to attend. We'll discuss:
-Field locations for games this Spring
-COVID Waiver
-Self Assignment Policies and Procedures
Spring Season Kickoff Google Meet Link:
To join the video meeting,
click this link: https://meet.google.com/ovt-prsf-hzx
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 402-442-0203 and enter this PIN: 751 121 861#
--Sunday Feb 28 Update--
A google meet has been setup for Tue Mar 2 to talk about Refereeing opportunities this Spring season:
Sterling Soccer Cub - Referee Information Night
--Monday Feb 16 Update--
Certified Referees who are interested in refereeing for our Spring 2021 season MUST get recertified. The recertification
process is completely online and only costs $10 this year to obtain a 2021 badge. Here is the process:
- 2020 Fully Certified (2020 recertification complete and approved) - Recertification for 2021
You have annual training to complete for the 2021 referee year. Your fee for 2021 is only $10. Your registration and certification have been extended through 2021. However, you still have required annual training to complete.
TO START. Go to our Officials Management System (OMS) : https://mdcvasrp.omgtsys.com
Select “Member Sign In.” Enter your username and password.
On your Member Home Page, under “I want to:,” select “Register for Clinic.” Under Soccer Official Type, select “Referee.”
IMPORTANT. Under “Registration Type” select “Supplemental Training.” If you select Recertification, your fee will be $40 and you will have different lessons.
ONLINE LESSONS. There are five lessons to your Annual Training.
Lesson Name
2021 Grassroots Refresher - USSF
2021 Law Changes - USSF
2021 Grassroots Referee Recert Quiz
2021 LC Intro to Safety
2021 LC SafeSport
Complete the online lessons by selecting “Start” beside each lesson, in order.
Everyone must complete Lessons 1 – 4.
Lesson 5, SafeSport Training, is required for referees 18 years or older. Lesson 5 will show complete for referees who are not 18.
When you complete the online lessons, we can approve your 2021 referee certification and your 2021 badge will be mailed to you at your current mailing address.
Monday Jan 11
As of this time, Sterling Soccer Club anticipates hosting a Spring 2021 Soccer season that will look a whole lot like the Fall 2020 season we just had.
For Referees In Training (REFITs) or friends of referees or anybody who might be interested in getting certifed to referee U8 and above games for Spring 2021, there is a new New Grassroots Referee Certification process due to COVID restrictions.
See below for the new process. Send Dave Taylor, Sterling Soccer Club's Referee Assignor, an email for any questions you might have at [email protected]
NEW 2021 Grassroots Referee Certification Process:
If you are interested in becoming a certified soccer referee and are 13 years old or older, this is your chance. The process for becoming a new certified grassroots referee has changed because of COVID restrictions. To become a new certified ‘grassroots’ referee (grassroots is the new term used for the first level of certified referee. They have removed the Grade level terminology.) you must first register with the state referee program and then complete the online modules. Once you have completed all the online modules you can transfer into a 4 hour on-field training clinic.
After that, you will receive a 2021 referee badge and be eligible to referee or assistant referee Sterling Soccer Association recreational games until December 2021 at which time you will need to recertify.
Interested? To start, please familiarize yourself with the State Referee Association website which is the launching point for signing up to get certified. Go to the https://vadcsoccerref.com website and click on the BECOME A REFEREE tab. This site explains the detailed process required to become a referee. You’ll notice that the first thing to do is register with the state referee program which uses Officials Management System (OMS). This can be done by going to https://mdcvasrp.omgtsys.com/ and clicking on “New Member Registration.” Once you have registered as a grassroots referee (please note your userid and password for future reference), you then need to register for the “Referee- Grassroots Entry – First Step – Online Lessons” clinic and pay the $80.00 fee (which covers both the online registration fee and the on-field clinic). When registering, use an e-mail address that you check regularly since all correspondence regarding the class will be sent via email. Also, this email must be UNIQUE across all referees registered in OMS so be aware that you can’t share this email with another family member. After registering please regularly check your spam to ensure that you are receiving emails from MDCVASRP.
Sterling Soccer Association doesn’t currently plan to host any field sessions since many are already planned in the Leesburg area starting in March. Ince a referee candidate completes their online lessons, the final step is to sign up for a 4 hour field clinic that meets your schedule. Students can take clinics in any area to become certified.
If you have any questions, please contact the Area Director of Instructors for the North, Diane Florkowski, at [email protected]
**OLD Spring 2020 Cancelled Events for Reference**
New Grassroots Certified Referee Clinic **This class is now FULL**
Sat March 14 Sterling Library (11-6pm)
If you are still looking to get certified, go to www.vadcsoccerref.com and click on 'New referees click 'here' to register. Follow all the steps to prepare for the Classroom and Field training sessions. There are still additional classes in
Leesburg and Herndon in March that are still available.
Spring Kickoff Mtg - Tue March 17 at Cascades Library (7:30-8:30pm Room B)
New referees are strongly encouraged to attend to review our club policies and self assignment procedures and
to meet the Assignor Dave Taylor and club Admin Tara Koehler.
A Ref Raffle for door prize referee items will be held!!
REFIT Field Training - Thu April 2, 5-7pm (WAITING TO SEE)
New REFITS meet at Senior Center Parking lot at 5pm dressed in your new uniform with your watch
Start of Spring season 2020 Dates:
If you have any questions, please contact Dave Taylor or Tara Koehler:
Dave Taylor - Referee Assignor at [email protected] or Cell: 703-727-5390
Tara Koehler - Club Administrator at [email protected]